Professional Presentations & Workshops
Upcoming Presentations & Workshops:
Bresler, S. (March 6, 2025). “Fears and Fantasies of the Unknown: Group Process and Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).” Recent disclosures by the NYT and the DOD have documented significant military encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). Combined with the groundbreaking work of Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, who researched hundreds of cases of alien abductees with no psychiatric pathology, a mysterious ontological space emerges. Using our current understanding of UAP, this experiential workshop will explore the ways that individual and group identities struggle to make sense of the “Unknown,” as well as the potential for a deeper interconnectedness to emerge. Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) Conference, In Person, San Francisco, California.
Bresler, S. (March 2, 2024). “An Exploration of Fears and Fantasies of the Unknown: Group Process and Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).” Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) Conference, In Person, National Harbor, Maryland.
Bresler, S. (November 11, 2023). “Cosmic Transference: An Exploration of Fears and Fantasies of the ‘Unknown.'” Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS) Conference, In Person, NYC, NY.
Randal, L., Bresler, S., Songco, D., Grossman, J. (March, 2022). “Here, There, and Virtually Everywhere: A Discussion on delivering group therapy in the era of COVID-19 and beyond.” Panel Discussion for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. American Group Psychotherapy Society (AGPA) Conference, Zoom based Virtual Conference.
Bresler, S. (December, 2021). “Using Process and Content Effectively in Group Psychotherapy.” Didactic lecture for EGPS Training Program. Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS), NYC, NY.
Bresler, S. (December, 2021). “How To Avoid Early Dropouts in Group Therapy.” Didactic lecture for EGPS Training Program. Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS), NYC, NY.
Bresler, S. (December, 2021). “How to Work with Resistance in Modern Analytic Group Psychotherapy.” Guest lecture for psychology graduate students. Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology, Milwaukee, WI.
Bresler, S. and Nadler, K. (March, 2021). “Encountering the ‘Other’ in Group Psychotherapy.” In intimate and polarized spaces we take refuge in our affiliations, overestimate our differences, and live in the comfort of our narratives. This workshop will explore the ways that we (dis)engage with and (de)identify as the “other,” both intrapsychically and interpersonally, and how we can communicate more authentically to deepen connections. Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. American Group Psychotherapy Society (AGPA) Conference, NYC, NY.
Bresler, S. and Nadler, K. (November, 2020). “Where the Wild Things Are: Encountering the “Other” during times of crisis.” Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS) Conference, Virtual, NYC, NY.
Bresler, S. and Nadler, K. (March, 2020). “Where the Wild Things Are: Finding our Other in Group.” Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. American Group Psychotherapy Society (AGPA) Conference, NYC, NY.
Bresler, S., Ott, A., & Karthesiser, C. (February, 2020). “Best Practices in Clinical Bilingualism for Outpatient Psychotherapy Treatment.” Presentation for clinical staff and psychotherapy interns at Family Services of Westchester. White Plains, NY.
Bresler, S. and Nadler, K. (November, 2019). “Where the Wild Things Are: Finding our Other in Group.” Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society (EGPS) Conference, NYC, NY.
Bresler, S. (November, 2019). Introduction to Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and techniques to help patients experience and integrate positive emotions. Presentation for clinical staff and psychotherapy interns at Family Services of Westchester. Hastings on Hudson, NY.
Bresler, S. and Nadler, K. (September, 2019). “Where the Wild Things Are: Finding our Other in Group.” Workshop for psychotherapy clinicians and graduate students. New York Presbyterian Hospital & Westchester Group Psychotherapy Society (WGPS), White Plains, NY.
Bresler, S. (June, 2019). “Unwrapped Presents: The Impact of Group Therapy Training.” Graduation Speaker for Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society Training Program. NYC, NY.
Bresler, S. (May, 2019). “Emotional communication and the use of self in psychotherapy: 5 different types of countertransference and how to use them.” Presentation for clinical staff and psychotherapy interns at Family Services of Westchester. Hastings on Hudson, NY.
Bresler, S. (December, 2018). “Emotional communication and the use of self in psychotherapy: 5 different types of countertransference and how to use them.” Presentation for clinical staff and psychotherapy interns at Family Services of Westchester. White Plains, NY.
Bresler, S. (May, 2018). “The Power and Efficacy of Group Psychotherapy: How to get started and address community barriers.” Presentation for clinical staff and psychotherapy interns at Family Services of Westchester. Port Chester, NY.
Bresler, S. (April, 2016). “Death and Dying: New developments working with terminal illnesses.” Presentation for clinical staff and psychotherapy interns at Family Services of Westchester. Hastings on Hudson, NY.